Our team has a vast experience in interaction with stakeholders from different sectors and at different governance levels. Within our projects we have organised numerous participatory workshops, aimed at introducing stakeholders to the projects, getting their inputs and support in developing research questions and conducting research, discussing the research results and their practical applicability, as well as strengthening cross-sectoral collaboration.

We have also engaged in educational events for the different groups of stakeholders, such as courses and seminars. For example, we organised a two-day course “Ecosystem services in practice” for the Swedish municipalities, and seminars about implementation of the ecosystem services concept for the County Boards administration.

We also regularly interact with stakeholders in our research activities, utilising interviews, surveys and Delphi method, which allows us for gaining meaningful results, promote our research among relevant parties, and affect the mindset of stakeholder and build their capacity address the environmental challenges of our societies.

Key stakeholder groups we have collaborated with include:

1) Representatives of Swedish authorities at different levels, such as municipalities, County Administrative Boards, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, National Forest Agency, National Board of Agriculture, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, Swedish Food Agency and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.

2) Environmental consultancies: Calluna, Greensway.

3) Non-governmental Organisations: Coalition Clean Baltic, WWF, Swedish Anglers Association, Swedish Tourist Association.

4) Companies: SKB

5) International actors: European Forest institute, Food and Agriculture Organisation.