Supporting the realization of sustainable development goals
We envision to advance sustainable development and transform our world into a better and sustainable place, which allows us to hand over our planet to our children without environmental problems, poverty and health problems. With our research, teaching and outreach, we support societal actors to realise the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) based on new and vital knowledge around water and biodiversity at the heart of sustainable development and by evaluating complexity and management strategies in the water-biodiversity-society nexus .
“We argue that water & biodiversity are at the heart of sustainable development “
When adopting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN General Assembly emphasized the importance of water as an integral part of human development. At the same time, there is increasing evidence that biodiversity provides benefits that are crucial to support our society and economy and may help achievement of SDGs. Thus, we believe that in particular water and biodiversity are at the heart of sustainable development as they underpin the provision of food, provide resilience to a changing climate, support human health, and provide jobs in water, forestry, agriculture and other sectors. Without effective measures to preserve biodiversity, sustain healthy ecosystems and safeguard the availability and access to sufficient quantity and good quality of water, the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development will not be achievable.
Thus, our mission is to mainstream biodiversity and water to foster sustainable development and to explore their susceptibility to changes in environmental conditions, such as land use or climate.
Our Group
We are a team of enthusiastic researchers, teachers, PhD students and postdocs at Uppsala University (Sweden) working with water and nature for a sustainable future. Our core research expertise lies in environmental assessment and policy implementation, climate and hydrological modelling, biodiversity conservation, studying flood and drought hazards and statistical analysis of big data for a sustainable future.
2024-12-10 Announcing the Water4All-Funded Project: REACTION
We are excited to introduce REACTION, a newly funded project under the Water4All initiative. REACTION addresses the pressing risks posed by hydroclimatic extremes and compound events—such as heatwaves, floods, droughts, and heavy rainfall—on freshwater ecosystem services in forest landscapes.
What We Do
Our international team has more than 15 years of practical research experience from around the world. What unites us is our common belief in that water and biodiversity are at the heart of sustainable development, which is at the core of our various research projects.
Distilling complex research into professional and easily understood text, imagery and video, and sharing it around the world is the key to successful communication and research partnerships with stakeholders and the public that are built on trust, transparency and respect.
With profound knowledge in pedagogical theory, we have more than 10 years of practical experience of teaching in the higher education system. We see learning as an interactive task that constructs new knowledge and links to pre-existing understanding to construct or revise our reality.